Installation of Innovation Lab


Before you start with the installation of Innovation Lab, please make sure you have the following packages installed on your server environment (you can get all this packages for free). Without these software, Innovation Lab will not be able to run properly. It is crucial to install IIS before installing .NET Framework 2.0, if you cannot follow this order, you'll have to go to add/remove programs in control panel and repair .NET Framework in order to run it properly with IIS.

  1. Internet Information Service (IIS). If you don't have IIS installed go to add/remove programs in your control panel, then choose add/remove Windows components and there select IIS (For more information about IIS, follow the link above).
  2. .NET Framework 2.0. You can download and install it by following the linked instructions.
  3. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SP1) . You can download and install it by following the linked instructions.
  4. SQL Server Management Studio Express. You can download and install it by following the linked instructions.

Innovation Lab Installation using the Installer (sorry, it's currently not available)

Once your server environment is set up correctly, you can install and configure ILab by following these steps:

  1. Download the ILab installer from sourceforge.
  2. Run the installer and make sure, the web application is installed in [wwwroot]/ILab2 (this is the default location, at the current alpha state it must be installed at this specific place)
  3. Link the database

Innovation Lab Installation using the Sourcecode

Once your server environment is set up correctly, you can install and configure ILab by following these steps:

  1. Download the ILab sourcecode package from sourceforge.
  2. Extract the package.
  3. Copy the subfolder "ILab2" to your [wwwroot] (typically this is c:\inetpub\wwwroot)
  4. Copy the subfolder "ILabCore" to where ever you want to store the sourcecode of core-components and services.
  5. Make sure the user "ASP.NET" has full access (read, write and execute) to the subfolders /App-Data and /ILAB_VAULT
  6. Link the database

Link the Database

The final step in Configuration is to link the database

  1. Run SQL Server Management Studio and connect
  2. In the Object Explorer, right-click "Databases" and select "Attach..."
  3. Click "Add" and choose your Database. There is two examples: on" [wwwroot]\ILab2\App_Data\ILabDB.mfd" you will find an empty Database with a simple preconfiguration. On "[wwwroot]\ILab2\App_Data\ILabDB_KExample.mfd" you will find the same with some additional information.
  4. Press the "OK" button. You can now find the attached Database under the "Databases" (e.g. ILabDB_KExample)
  5. In the Object Explorer, open the "Security" node and rightclick "Logins" and choose "New Login..."
  6. In the "Login - New" window, click the "Search..." button, then type "ASPNET" and click "OK".
  7. Click "OK" to close the "Login - New" windows.
  8. Now rightclick the user you just created and select "Properties"
  9. Select the "User Mapping" page and map your database (e.g. ILabDB_KExample) by selecting the checkbox. Also give the "db_owner" role membership to this user.
  10. Finally open the file "[wwwroot]\ ILab2\web.config and in the "connectionStrings" tag replace the "catalog" name by the name of your database.